duminică, 29 martie 2009

Blind Reflection

I stare at your picture, broke but still alive.
The sunset's coming, an end is near,
I'm feeling cold.
The whispering air passes through my body, passing through me,
I lost myself so much time ago,
So much I cannot remember kindness anymore.

My voice fades out in the world,
Is lost in the void, in the blades which continously cut and pierce me.
The sun which turned the sky red dies, falling behind,
Being forgotten, being alone.

It's so easy to forget something when it's gone,
And so you forget everything,
Because everytime you seem to find something important to you,
It's likely that the thing is already gone,
Burried in your memories which you're unable to reach.

You become lost and frustrated.
The illusion of reality triggers,
The panic builds up, I'm going insane, will I go berserk ?
Standing near your body, tears are overflowing sadness,
Overflowing even the memories in which you lie,
Nostalgically, as an imposing maniac.

One day my ears will stop hearing, I'll go deaf,
From the song which you are and to which I've listened countless times.
Kill my soul,
And let's drown into eternity,
Into the never-ending abyss of crimson pain and darkness.
Let's drown into love.

luni, 16 martie 2009


   It's the end. The ski cries and the rain heavily pours down. 
   It continously fills us with sadness and lies about a wonderful world. Deceived,
   Left behind to only dream about a bright future, 
   Even the dreams are now crushed.
   Torn apart, the face of a kneeled bitch is covered in blood and tears.
   The hope is either gone or dead.
   In her heart there's nothing left, she's empty, she's crumbling.
   Cruelty digs, as hatred fills the resulted holes.
   The mindless humans die, happy to have escaped this place.
   It's the end. What did you expect ?

sâmbătă, 28 februarie 2009

Rusting Voices

I'm seeing it deep, deep inside you, 
The reflection of something I never hoped of,
I see the sadistic smile leaning onto your beautiful face,
In your eyes I see my past, present..
..no future.

Please, don't cease to hope, 
In the unfaithful destiny of yours,
It will always betray you..

Please, don't murder the unending love intents, 
Please, don't attack the tremendous attacks towards you..

I understand, I even know, you're rotting inside,
You're seeing yourself, you look terrified.
Slowly, without a doubt, you'll end it soon.

But, wait! Don't! I want, I will,
Let you enter, live in myself, 
I'll let you speak through my words, I'll
Let you be horified, be amazed, be traumatized,

However, don't hope of anything big, hope at something gigantic,
I'm not burning, I'm not even rotten, 
I'm not dying, I'm not even about to be murdered,
I'm going to bed, I'm already ashes. 

luni, 23 februarie 2009


The pure, moonlight falls on the wooden piece I've become. 
I wither, slowly, as the burning love I have for you, 
Easily metamorphoses me in ashes, 
Sparkling, hapily in the lonely moonlight.

I'm sure you think, I'm lost somewhere
I'm sure you live happier than never,
I'm sure you'll rot inside yourself, 
I'm sure you'll cut what you won't forget.

The will won't stop, it's driven by
The atrocious hope for destruction, the fact, that I won't be able to ever be myself
Reflecting the dawn's light, in it's wet, pierced eyes.

The dusk has come, they gather near, 
Closer and closer I close in yourself, 
The red and orange light of the fading sun, 
Reflects in the crimson blood that's madly jumping
In the air.

duminică, 22 februarie 2009

Oyasumi Nasai

The dust carrying wind flows, 
Taking my breath along with the dust, 
Through the night, through the yells,
Of the falling scents of hope.

Breaking under my heavy feet, 
The parquet recites his own story,
It feels like it's crying aswell,
Being caught in the blankness of what we call world.

Even the windows become opaque, 
Blocking the view, trying to protect,
Trying to defend, it's useless, in the end,
They're scattered to pieces, along the cold pitch.

Liveless, you lay, 
You seem to be alive, 
Drooling, continuosly, until you drawn, 
Falling down, until you moan. 

The crack in my body, becomes larger and larger,
Even if I scream, " I love you until I'm breaking ",
It won't help at all, it won't even matter,
I will break apart, empty and abandoned. 

Now, that everything has passed, 
My love, frozen to death, still cries,
Into the night, gasping for breath, 
I'll love you now, tonight and forever, 
I'll love you 'till the end, 
Oyasumi.. nasai. 

joi, 12 februarie 2009


It feels like I'm breaking,
The obfuscation sorrounds me, turning the air into excruciating pain.
I don't want to breathe anymore, I don't want to exist anymore,
The denial of eternal life and souls kills me, deeply,
Stabbing, sword, my, your, heart.

You're tongue, twisting artistically into his mouth now,
I come to an end, I come..
I slowly drive by, throw out all my self consciousness,
I may or may not return,
I may or may not love you

sâmbătă, 7 februarie 2009

Blinking Silver

The sky looked so bright,
With it's stars..
Falling down to.. the ground
Ah, those days..

The cherry blossoms I always loved now lay,
Lay, lay, won't ever stop laying.
You lay, you lie, you look down,
The superiority of your scent falls to the ground..
Same with the stars..
From the sky that was once bright.

I'm no more embraced,
By your tiny, soft arms,
I'm left alone to cry and live,
I'm left alone..

Denying my existence due to no proof..
Now that you're left, you took it too.
Two years old, my only proof..
My second breath, along with you..

It's ending, painfully,
I cannot feel even the smell of the cherry blossoms,
I can only taste the blood pouring
From the now dark sky..
Blinking in my night,
To the end..

miercuri, 4 februarie 2009

Bleeding Marrow

I look through the window of my room
And see..
What lies ahead of me.
A world sunk in filth and dirty pain
My love, scattered in a crushed plane..

I strive to win,
An impossible war with myself,
But I can't last longer,
And you won't just arive to help me yet..

I feel empty and destroyed,
A wreck of the industrial war.
A victim of the splintered
Ideals of our common lives.

And even though I tried..
Again, again and again,
I tried my best, I did what I could,
In the end you failed to exist..
In my life..

Would it be a nuissance to ask you
To come back in my life since
You didn't even exist..
Somewhere else than in my mind ?!

My fantasies are long gone, now I cry,
My soul pours down through the holes
In my body and I feel..
Like I'm going to..

The nausea won't stop from hauting me,
It's painful, because I just can't see
You! In the darkness of my room,
I slowly fade away..

And even if the thorns shaped in the beautiful snow flakes
Will slowly pierce me to death,
I won't hesitate to live, and go on..
Just to be able to keep
Keeping you alive..
In my sick.. mind..

By Ayame Kiyoshi ( me )

sâmbătă, 17 ianuarie 2009

Splintered Ideals..

This is going to be the first article I did without getting inspiration from Dir en Grey's lyrics.. Let's see

The darkness lurks beneath my clothes' smell.. my room.
On the rusted, metal bed I stay.. with my hands on my ears.. I cry..
Or not. I don't cry.. simply.. rivers of tears full of pain are running down from my red eyes..
I get up and start to take a walk through the sinister halls..
It's so empty without them.. without the ones who used to keep this house alive.. without her..
I miss you..
Suddenly I jerk, remembering..
I run to the dormitory we used to share our dreams and fantasies in.. and I look on the window..
The moon's so bright..
I open the window and climb on the glass case..
Everything's so beautiful.. from up here.. just like a city of angels..
I am meaningless.. a meaningless human being wondering through life and death.. life and pain.. pain and love, love and love.. love and myself..
Am I back to what I was..
Before, before the golden times.. I were..
I had no home, I had no meaning, I had no purpose. I was living.. I felt like there's something I need to do.. but even if I'd do that thing, I wouldn't be happy..
I wanted to die, but I wanted to live.. I didn't want my life to end without doing that thing.. but at the same time, I was lustful.. I wanted to die..
She came.. brightening my life.. my way.. my path.
She gave me a meaning, she gave me a life, she gave me a purpose, she gave me..
Now that she's gone..
I lost everything.. I'm just a bag of dirt and agonizing pain..
Why ?
" I lost the meaning; I should be myself ".. I hear that.. slowly.. but what's myself ? I can no longer be myself.. the myself I need to be is with her.. she's the myself I am.. she's the myself I should be at least..
The wind whispers through my hair the agony.. I can feel it.. almost taste it.
It feels so good..
Carefully, I spread my hands.. and I leave myself to the air..
Now, the ground's coming closer and closer.. even closer.. I can almost feel it, the cold street.. hitting my tainted body..
Suddenly.. a light appears in front of my eyes..
There she is..
My sweet.. my beloved angel.. she came to save me ? I see a knife in her hand.. will she.. ?
She takes the knife and stabs the ground, making it spill purple blood.. I hear it's scream hunting through the night..
She grabs my falling body, and puts it near her.. she's so warm..
Tears start falling from my eyes..
Sensing them, she kisses my eyes with her tender, soft red lips.. and I suddenly recover..
I can feel it running through my veins, through my body.. the love.. the meaning.. her..
I hear some yells heading towards us.. here they are!!
Our little kids.. both of them.. hugging me, continuously yelling " Daddy! Daddy! Daddy! We love you! "
I'm loved..
I'm overwhelmed..
But I'm loved..
I kiss her.. with all that I have left..
While.. while.. while we kissed.. I felt like I was healing..
Then I understood..
But she's here with me now.. they're here with me now.. and the house we once used to live in has awaken once more..

joi, 15 ianuarie 2009

From the deepest part of my heart..

Soarele a apus, lasand o dara de rosu sangeriu pe cerul albastru pur al serii de Mai..
Toata natura si lumea a amoriti.. a murit.. inafara de noi.. parca special..
Pe banca de pe prispa casei unde unde nu cu mult timp in urma obisnuiam sa ne tachinam reciprosc se afla acum doua trupuri.. un baiat si o fata.. inclestate in divina iubire..
Ochii tai scanteietori..ochii pe care ii admir de atata vreme.. ochii care ma pot adormi cu o singura atentie de-a lor.. ochii in care ma pierd in mai putin de cinci secunde.. ochii tai superbi..
Mainile tale calde, se cuibaresc usor intr-ale mele.. si iti simt din nou pielea.. pielea acea fina.. pielea aceea unica, calduta a ta..
Nedorind sa iti dau drumul, buzele noastre se unesc.. acele buze moi.. acele buze pe care le ador, pe care le iubesc..
Mai presus de buzele tale.. te iubesc.. te iubesc cu toata fiinta.. te iubesc..
Te iubesc..
Cu fiecare zi care trece si in care nu te pot vedea.. simti.. saruta.. simturile mele se pierd usor..
Mai.. 25..
Nu te-am vazut.. de mult.. timpul devine tot mai dureros in timp ce eu astept cu nerabdare sa te intalnesc din nou..
Lacrimile s-au uscat de mult, lasand loc pt. altele noi..
Presiunea se intensifica..
Imi e dor de tine.. stii ?
Imi e dor sa te simt.. imi e dor sa te sarut..
Imi e dor sa ne vorbim, imi e dor sa ne plimbam impreuna.. imi e dor sa.. cuvintele mor, injunghiate de presiunea apasatoare ce ma sufoca..
Ramas fara cuvinte.. confuz.. pierdut, doar tu ma mai poti scoate din starea de sevraj temporar..
Ai dat un nou sens vietii mele.. m-ai facut om din nou.. m-ai scos din negura in care ma aflam, pierdut, uitat.. ca un caine..
M-ai facut sa simt ca traiesc, m-ai facut sa simt ca iubesc, m-ai facut sa te simt.. m-ai facut sa realizez cine si ce sunt..
Te iubesc.. te iubesc, chiar daca voi muri.. chiar daca timpul va trece si va lasa loc generatiior urmatoare, eu tot te voi iubi..
Mai.. 30..
Inca odata, banca ne este martora.. dupa tot acest timp..


" I screamed out your name
Even my voice will probably never reach you
But you know, now I'm ok with that
Some day in my heart you'll be..

I'll dream tonight, dreams of you
Because of that letter I put under my pillow
My dreams are too cruel, my breath is cut off
I always painfully awaken at four in the morning
Time is too long
Time is too painful
The dreams don't stop
Love freezes to death
Cold night..
On such a long night..
My consciousness splintered and powdered
Memories scattered about
Holding your ring so tightly that my tears wet the pillow

So I couldn't hear it
I blocked my ears to your voice
Another scar added to my wrist
Melting into the wound.. you..

I am breaking..
Burning the letter
It's reduced to ash
I am breaking..
Destroy my heart
I am breaking..
Losing you..
I love you!
I love you!
I love you!
I am breaking..
I love you..
I love you..
I love you..
I love you..
I love you..
I am..
I love you..
I love you..
I love you!
I love you!
I love you!
I am breaking..
Losing you..
I love you!!
I love you!!
I love you!!
I am.. "

It's 4:00 Am.. in a cold morning of May..
Locked inside my room.. I can't see.. I can't touch.. I can't feel.. I can't hear.. I can't love.. you..
I can't love you ? Can I ?
I can.. I want.. inside me, a burning fire threatens me.. it would like to turn me to ashes.. now that my heart's all destroyed.. cut into pieces..
Should I give up ?
I don't know who I am or what I am.. " My consciousness splintered and powdered " lies on the dirty floor, confusing me more and more, tempting me to enter in the fog.. but I'm already in..
I quietly start to cry, unable to resist the excruciating, agonizing pain flowing through my body..
I can almost taste it, even though I don't want to..
My dreams are all pierced by your presence.. still lurking behind my dirty tears.. behind my splintered consciousness..
The already wet pillow won't be warm anymore now that you're gone.. it will always be hard and cold.. just like the pieces of what was my heart once are now..
Oh, how I'd love to stab myself in the back with that knife.. but I won't, because I'm sure that you'll suffer.. or not ? Will you, baby ? Would you even turn that wonderful smile of yours in a sad face when you'll see my dead body lying on the floor ? Would you spill one of your sacred, beautiful tears on my body when you'll see me, breathless, lying there ? Would you ?
You would not.. or perhaps you would.. but I don't want to die right now..
Breaking into shards, just like a diamond that has been corrupted and left alone in an empty store of an evil and filthy seller.. I'm searching for a place to call my own..
This home I live in.. I can no longer call it home.. not mine.. not my own.. it was ours.. every part of it keeps your smell.. keeps a memory of you.. still lingering there..
I take a walk, gathering all the memories in which you are and scatter them on the floor.. seeing how beautiful it was..
You're happy now, I know..
You're happy now and inside the destroyed self of mine, I am happy too.. because you're smiling.. that's all I ever wanted.. to see you smile..
I'm glad you left me behind just to find your smile.. I'm glad I could helped you with at least that small, uncountable thing..
The sky is so nice.. the dawn is making it's entrance in the greatest way possible.. and I still miss you..
But it's over now.. and I still can't wake up.. I still can't deny the dreams I have.. in which we're kissing and smiling and playing in such a nice and.. soft way..
I slap myself..

And now, a song which always makes me burst into tears, if not cry with a river.. Zakuro.. by Dir en Grey

marți, 13 ianuarie 2009

304 Goushitsu, Hakushi No Sakura..

" Room 304, room 304, cherry blossoms of white death
From the window the ever unchaning cherry blossoms
Flutter, flutter, flutter, flutter and dance in the breeze

Today, my consciousness fades away
Who are you ?
I can't remember anything
My tears overflowed
And fell on your hand
Clutching mine reassuringly

Your unending stream of taers
Told me something
For some reason the scent of you brings back memories
Surely I will lose this life
All alone, in this room
These flowers that no-one can find..
The flowers fall quicly, swaying in the breeze
The white hospital room sways with the breeze

The pain builds up day by day
You held my thin, ugly body close to you
At my time of death
There's one special person I remembered
Tomorrow I'll become ashes, return to dust

From the windows I can see the cherry blossoms
Beneath those cherry blossoms is where I want to sleep
Wrapped in warmth in your hand
They carry me quietly from room 304
So that I will never forget you
From now on, I sway in the breeze
With the cherry blossoms, remembering you
Fluttering "
( Dir en Grey - 304 Goushitsu, Hakushi No Sakura )

In my safe, destroyed hotel room I live..
Room 304..
May, 9.. 12:30 Am..
Staying on the cold, metal-made bed, I think of you.. while the cherry blossoms from the window are touching my face.. they sway over to me, re-telling me the story of my life.. of our life..
May, 9.. 13:30 Am..
Standing under the never-fading branches of the cherry tree I remember you.. your smooth hands running down on my filthy body.. in such a kinky way..
You know I miss you, but even though you know, you don't dare to do the slightest move..
Or you can't ? Baby, is it you not wanting to make a move ? Is it you not wanting to revive the old times.. ?
You can't.. from the brown, slightly cleft body of the tree, a drop of blood falls..
See, as you caged my soul and myself in my love for you.. I caged you on the cherry blossoms we used to stay at night and plan things for our future.. for our life..
This way, your spirit will live through the branches of the cherry tree and through the tree itself..
I grieve..
I gasp..
Two crystal tears falling from my eyes..
I love you. I love you more than I love myself or the world.. why did I caged you ?
Why did I want to keep you close to me ? Why ? Why, when there was not sight of you wanting to stay near me anymore ? Why did I had to force you ?
" WHY ? " I yell at the fading sun..
An unique sunset.. the red of the sun covers the sky, just as your red blood covered the cold, cruel metal-made bed..
May, 9.. 22:19 Pm..
With a branch in my lower chest I lay myself to sleep, under the cherry tree we made love for the first time.. under the cherry tree we had our first kiss.. under the cherry tree we used to stay each and every day..
Even now when I look so cold.. I still feel your warm hand touching me, grabing my ugly, dirty body.. hugging me..
I want to go to sleep near you, I want to feel you just one more time..
I love you and you know no-one will be able to take that from me..
Even if I'm dead, even if you're dead.. even if we're both dead.. no-one is going to take my love for you away.. that's the only thing I keep with me in this spring night in which my lights turned off..
This, and a memory of an angel..
I love you..

Dir en Grey - 304 Goushitsu, Hakushi no Sakura.. and never-ever let your love fade.. never-ever let the girl / boy you love have his / her love fade away.. protect them, even if it's the last thing you will do.. die! DIE, if that's what you have to do..
Don't worry, no one will be able to steal your love for him / her

duminică, 11 ianuarie 2009

Merciless Cult..

NOTE : Watch out. The next article is a very obscene, sadistic, cruel one.

" The pessimistic you
The merciless you
The self-loving you
What are you looking at ?

Within comparing and proportions
You're screaming like mad
You wanted this to end
You must be a romanticist

GASP for breath
GASP for breath
GASP for breath
GASP for breath
Love me, please
Also this blood and this meaning

Suddenly, I remember..
There is no love here..
Over and over it pierces me
Somewhere I'm breaking

Within comparing and proportions
You're screaming like mad
You wanted this to end
You must be a romanticist

GASP for breath
GASP for breath
GASP for breath
GASP for breath
Love me, please
Also this blood and this meaning

GASP for breath
GASP for breath
GASP for breath
GASP for breath
Gasp for breath
Love me, please
Also this sun and to this value "
( Dir en Grey - Merciless Cult )

My eyes are wide open, and my mouth opens in a large smile..
Like a drug that addicts everyone, you blood touches my lips..
Aaah, such a great taste you have..
So, you lie there, lover, in our matrimonial, double bed. You lie there, with me next to you.. You lie there naked, covered in sperm and our blood..
Some would say you look like you'd be humiliated, but I like how you look..
You are so sweet.. a drop of sperm falls from your closed left eye, touching the sheets..
Too bad you won't be able to wash them anymore like you used to do..
Like a professional surgeon, my tools are aligned at your feet.. but I'm no surgeon, baby and you know it very well..
Let's make an incision there, sweetie, let's see what you look like on the inside.. Taking the knife we used to cut bread with, I slowly cut your belly..
This is the place where our little girl would've come from, if you wouldn't have been such a cruel person..
Now, she's just ashes.. she's just a little, deformed little body..
Too bad.. you can't feel it.. it feels just like I felt after you put a stop to it.. you know.. I thought you are a person, but you're nothing more than a romanticist.. a romanticist with tits.. with nice, big, smooth, soft tits..
Let's see what they hide, shall we ?
Too bad the knife is now full of blood. I want to taste it later. What a pity you can't taste yourself..
I take the saw and slowly cut your left tit off.. much more blood than I expected..
I throw it away, disgusted..
Feeling like it, I put another load on your body..
Hey! You look so nice in white and red.. in white and crimson red..
Going down on your body, I spread the legs wide open, and find the center of your pleasure..
I'd love to see what it hides, but there's no time for this.. I take the saw again, and cut your head off..
Like a professional hunter, I take it and place it on the wall.. my trophy..
Gasping for breath, I close my eyes, and lay on you.. putting my elbow in your belly..
Sorry, my bad!
Without a head to kiss, I lay myself to sleep..
To the eternal sleep..
You see, after you left me for a prick, for an empty-head, it felt like the sky pierces me.. it felt just like the earth was falling on me.. I felt broken.. I felt in pieces.. kinda' like you lie there, today, on this sunny morning of July..
I wanted you to feel the same pain, but it wasn't possible.. I love you too much to let you feel what I felt..
You simply gasped for breath, just like I do now.. and then you closed your eyes..
I quietly laugh, then I close my eyes..
" Love me, please
Also this blood .. "

Merciless Cult.. by Dir en Grey

sâmbătă, 10 ianuarie 2009


" There is no where these two can go
Having their backs to each other
They can not even hear the sounds fo the rain
That pours heavily
They walk with their back to each other
Where will they go ?
One by one their footsteps disappear..

I don't want to part from you, but..
Your words stab my heart
Do you see ??
I don't want to part from you, but..
The waves are erasing your footsteps one by one

Change me into a memory and head to the new ocean
I wish you happiness from the heart.
There is happiness behind the tears
But behind the tears..
You are not there..

I don't want to part from you, but..
Your words stab my heart
I don't want to part from you, but..
The waves are erasing your footsteps one by one

Autumn.. Winter..
With the seasons
Maybe its too late
But I want to hold your hand

Autumn, winter
With the seasons
Sometime there will be a meeting
Sometime there will be a farewell
And a meeting with you.. "
( Dir en Grey - Undecided )

Undecided.. striving to get away from the pressure the walls of feelings and yourself put on you..
ecided.. but yet so devoted to your destiny.. never going to look back, not even when you will die and your pitiful life will turn to meaningless ashes..
I still feel your hand, near mine..
I still feel your hair running down on my skin, healing the maternal wounds..
I still feel your lips.. on my neck.. and on my own lips..
The frozen rain sheds the knives of memories in my flesh while I walk through it..
And unbearable.. destructive pain takes over my rationality, making me lose myself in the abyss of the blue, atrocious sky..
And even though when I'm lost between heaven and earth, between earth and hell, between heaven and hell, I still feel you close to me, grabbing my dirty hand, taking care of me, while I can't stop stabbing you with venomous thorns..
Even though now you are bathing in your own blood, I can't stop kissing the beautiful, soft crimson lips of yours..
It seems to be so easy to departure, but in fact it's not.
Even though my fantasies have gone away, I can still feel your body next to mine..
I can still feel your spiky nails scratching me, making me feel the pleasure I ever wanted.. even more..
But is it all lost ?
Now, I'm lying in the apartment where we once used to share our dreams.. I'm lying on the bed we used to melt in one.. I'm lying..
Now, there is only the happiness that can reach you.. there is only the rapture that can touch you..
Even though now I'm lying in tears and smelly blood, the happiness I once used to possess, was sent to you..
Aside from the departure, I don't regret anything..
I just.. would like to feel you.. once more.. to have you near me..
But I won't.. because if my last wish would've been
fulfilled, I would've not let you go anymore..
I would've kept you there, chained in me..
With my last wish unfulfilled, I go to sleep..
I go to sleep, knowing that " Sometime there will be a meeting.. Sometime there will be a farewell.. And a meeting with you.. "

Now, I invite you to watch and listen to " Undecided " by Dir en Grey.. with the hope that none of you will have to pass over a departure..

vineri, 9 ianuarie 2009


" The wind of Indian Summer pulses,
With the warped sound, my ideals crumble
My future falls apart, I'm done for, I...
I want to be with you longer,
I want to stay with you longer but,
The fragile tears lurking beaneath my smile,
I can hide them no longer
When this amber colored dream of so many years
Comes to it's end, will I awake the real me?
I took all I could, so much it almost killed me
I even reached out, but
I ended up here, now
The light goes out and the stage goes dark
Informing me it's the end,
Let me hear your voice again,
I want to stay here longer but,
Farewell to the one I loved deeply,
Your name I never even knew.
In the amber colored place we promised to meet,
I feel the wind of Indian Summer
And look back on it all
The tears mix with the blood,
To make a new amber colored dream,
Here in my heart.

Until my voice dies out, my last...
Until my voice dies out, I'll sing. "

Japanese call it " Kaze ". We, Romanians, call it " Vant ". English people call it " Wind "..
No matter what it's called like, it still remains the powerful force of the nature that blows away feelings.. souls.. hearts.. tears.. even drops of blood. It's still the force of nature that throws us in melancholy, in sufferings, in pain, in love.. in darkness.. in heaven..
Amber.. a piece of hard resin, that seals insects.. life.. inside it..
Trapped inside, you feel suffocated. You feel.. empty ? Would you feel empty inside a piece of Amber ?
Is nature a force united under one name ? In the end, what is nature ?
The Wind throws you in the resin, locking you in what's soon going to be a small piece of Amber, breaking your bonds with the world, with your beloved ones, with yourself..
Locked there, unable to breathe.. you can't even cry..
Your tears melt in the Amber.. Although melting in it won't make it softer, won't allow you to move, to feel.. it will only add a drop of pain to the already existing ocean..
With a warm farewell, you stop your life for years..
At first, it's easy. Even though you can't breathe, everything's fine.
You look back on your life, but you realize you can't do anything about it.. not anymore..
Suddenly, your body starts to sing.. your voice can be heard from outside your prison..
Slowly, "
The light goes out and the stage goes dark "..
But even now, you know.. "
Until your voice dies out, your last.. Until your voice dies out, you'll sing.. "

Now, I invite you, everyone, to watch and listen to Amber.. by Dir en Grey..

joi, 8 ianuarie 2009

Glass Skin..

" My vision begins to blur
The glass sky, the color of the wind
The merry-go-round playing alone
I wave
My somehow faded voice is more important to me than my guilty conscience
Tomorrow I sleep, leaving myself behind
Emptier still than any tears of comedy
Left to be just taken
Left to be just damaged

In the dark morning, I pretend the window to be a picture frame
I wake my sleeping skin and press my hand against this wet piece of picture
Spring blossoms and the petals fall, giving life to the river
Swaying from side to side, where will you go?
I put my hand on the heavy and closed door
The remains of the parade
The silence laughs along with the fact that I won't be sleeping again tonight
Emptier still than any tears of comedy
Left to be just taken
Left to be just damaged
Here, let there be love...
The jokingly-dancing seasons endlessly hurt
Left to be just taken
Left to be just damaged
And to be melted by the dreams I hold out

(I bleed as my way of compensating everything to you
How heavy is blood?
Happiness and sadness lies too close) (English)
The hand that will be born tomorrow, will be simply pure and nothing else
I can barely see you now with all these tears

Emptier still than any tears of comedy
Left to be just taken
Left to be just damaged
Here, let there be love...
There is a ferris wheel, where I can look down and see you from
The melody that just comes crumbling down is also so sweet and beautiful, it's frightening
The shadow exposed by the sun is branded into my memory
and it touches my heart than any shallow words combined "
( Dir en Grey - Glass Skin )

Glass Skin..
When I think of pure, transparent Glass Skin, the first thing coming into my mind is a pure body, made of glass, without bones, flesh, blood, heart.. soul..
An empty, glass-made body..
A deserted body, left in this sadistic world, without any love to take care of it, without any heart to pump blood in, without any soul to let it feel..
What once appeared to be a shining person now started to blur..
It's senses faded, more and more, until they completely disappeared..
Just like a deserted house, haunted.. This body is haunted by memories.. which hurt.. an excruciating pain..
Haunted by the undying feeling of existing in this world.. again, an agonizing pain..
What happened to it ? What happened ? What made him frozen ? What turned him into pure, but at the same time filthy, full of hatred glass ?
His own consciousness.. splintered across his unforgettable memories of this rotten world ?
A dead, but at the same time more alive than never love-story ?
A strong sense of sacrifice, which let him die just like that ?
A hand print lies on the neck of the glass body..
The print of someone's lips lies on it's own, cold lips..
Turned to ashes, crushed by the cruel, sadistic world, he lies in it's own frozen blood, " Left there to be just taken ".. " Left there to be just damaged "
Again and again..

I invite you now, to watch and listen to Dir en Grey - Glass Skin, a song which always remembers me of an old memory, hidden in myself..